International Nursery and Primary School


At the International Nursery and Primary School, we embrace a child-centric approach that nurtures young minds through interactive, positive pedagogy. Our commitment is to inspire a love for learning, ignite curiosity and hone life skills that extend far beyond the classroom. Join us at the International Nursery and Primary School, where interactive, positive pedagogy is not just a teaching method – it’s a commitment to shaping confident, curious and capable individuals ready to thrive in a dynamic world. Experience the joy of learning with us as we inspire, engage, and empower each child on their educational journey.

Child-Centric Approach

At the heart of our pedagogical philosophy is the belief that every child is unique. We tailor our teaching methods to accommodate diverse learning styles, ensuring that each student thrives in an environment that recognises and celebrates their individual strengths. Our educators serve not only as instructors but as mentors, scaffolding students on their educational journey with care and understanding.

Theme-Based Education

We believe that learning should be an exciting and immersive experience. Our theme-based education approach integrates subjects into captivating themes, making the curriculum more relatable and engaging for students. This not only enhances academic understanding but also fosters a holistic comprehension of the world, encouraging critical thinking and creativity.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a cornerstone of our teaching methodology. We celebrate achievements, both big and small, cultivating a positive learning environment where students feel motivated and empowered. By emphasising strengths and encouraging a growth mindset, we instill confidence in our students, fostering a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom.

Inspiring Curiosity

Curiosity is the spark that ignites a lifelong passion for knowledge. Our interactive lessons are designed to pique the curiosity of our students, encouraging them to ask questions, explore new ideas and actively participate in their learning journey. We believe that a curious mind is a powerful tool for success in an ever-evolving world.

Honing Life Skills

Education at International Nursery and Primary School extends beyond academics. We are dedicated to equipping our students with essential life skills such as critical thinking, communication and collaboration. Through interactive activities, group projects and real-world applications, we prepare our students not just for exams but for the challenges and opportunities they’ll encounter in life.