International Nursery and Primary School


Our lower secondary programme is a pivotal stage in education where subject interdisciplinarity, project-based learning and the development of assessment skills take centre stage. Tailored for students aged 12 to 14, our programme is designed to foster not only academic excellence but also self-discovery, talent nourishment and the mastery of knowledge and skills.

Subject Interdisciplinarity

Our lower secondary programme transcends traditional subject boundaries. Through a commitment to subject interdisciplinarity, we provide students with a holistic understanding of concepts, encouraging them to connect knowledge across various disciplines. This approach fosters critical thinking, creativitya and a comprehensive worldview that prepares students for the complexities of the modern world.

Project-Based Education

Learning comes to life through our project-based education approach. Students engage in hands-on projects that encourage collaboration, problem-solving and real-world application of knowledge. This not only deepens their understanding of subjects but also cultivates essential skills such as teamwork, communication and adaptability, preparing them for future success.

Development of Assessment Skills

Assessment is not just a measure of knowledge; it’s an opportunity for growth. Our lower secondary programme places a strong emphasis on the development of assessment skills for their final exams through creative and well-designed tasks. Students are challenged with tasks that require critical thinking, analytical skills and creative problem-solving. This approach not only prepares them for academic success but also instills a lifelong love for learning and self-improvement.

Empowering Self-Discovery

Lower secondary is a time for self-discovery and our programme is crafted to empower students on this journey. Whether it’s through extra-curricular activities, creative projects or personalised learning plans, we strive to create an atmosphere where students can explore their passions, interests and talents, laying the foundation for a future of fulfillment and success.

Dedicated Teachers, Nurturing Talents

Our team of dedicated educators is more than just teachers – they are mentors on a mission to nourish talents and guide students on the path of self-discovery. Through personalised support and encouragement, teachers scaffold students in mastering their knowledge and skills, creating an environment where each student’s unique abilities are recognised, celebrated and cultivated.